
Amar Shukla

For Amar, video games are life. He works in the industry and has cut his teeth making his first game, Island Romp (http://islandrompthegame.com) in Unity. A California native, he currently lives in Boston. He specializes in programming and level design.



Animator and 3D digital artist.


Daniel Lipson

Creative/narrative producer with professional experience in marketing and communications. As the son of a veteran game developer, his passion for games started as soon as he was able to hold a controller. Raised in an artsy little town, he’s never quite sure whether he’s been living in a digital world the entire time, but that would certainly suit him just fine.

Click Here to see his portfolio.


Sean Murphy

Mighty man of mystery and California artist and animator. One of the team's concept artists and character designers. His work can be found at seandavidmurphy.com.

It is believed that this is the only known photograph of the artist. It is unknown why it resembles an ink drawing, but scientists and theologians have come up with a number of theories.

Alani Robles

Graphic designer and artist working on art assets and UI to give the game some juiciness. Voice of the protaganist, Penn.



Richard Jao

Meet Richard Jao. Digital artist, storyboarder, and overall creative person. If there's concepts and sketches you need to get done with a heavy dose of nerd thrown in, this is the guy you want!

Find his portfolio here: http://richardjao.weebly.com

Nathan Borson

Professionally trained in the art of animation, Nathan has the job of asset modeling. Having played video games since childhood, he has a special interest in platformers.

His animation and drawing skills can be viewed here: http://nborson.wixsite.com/portfolio


Devin Sneed

Irish American artist hoping to make it big. College Student at Las Positas College. Loval Theater student voice actor/actor/stage tech, rugby, pro wrestling fan and die hard anime devotee. Study at futures explored. Have Autism and ADHD.

Instagram: devin_sneed

Twitter: @devinsneed93


Atirath Kosireddy

Enjoys going to open mics in an attempt to make a few people laugh. Likes to write, compose music, lift weights, and practice martial arts. He’s the one responsible for why coffee cups are chasing you.

Check out his work at atirathk.com.

George W. Alfs

Product specialist, sci-fi/fantasy aficionado, and trained musician with a history working in higher education, technology, and government. Inherited the name George William from his father and grandfather before him. Voice of the trusted companion, Paige.